Man dedicates his life to caring for abandoned animals in Fukushima

The Fukushima accident is a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan that began on March 11, 2011. As a result, three of the station’s six nuclear reactors melted down. The accident occurred when the plant was hit by a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The next day, March 12, the release of a significant amount of radioactive material began. This was the largest nuclear incident since the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986. Although there were no reports of deaths due to short-term radiation exposure, about 300,000 people were evacuated from the area. For various reasons, people could not take their pets or livestock with them when evacuating.

This is where Naoto Matsumura enters the scene. He is a 55-year-old construction worker who returned to the evacuated area to care for abandoned animals. Why would he do this, you ask? Because they needed him.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Every day he is there, he risks his health and safety by caring for the many  animals that  were abandoned during the evacuation.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Here he feeds and cares for other people’s livestock and domestic animals.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago He became known as the Fukushima Animal Guardian.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago It is clear that he is a big animal lover.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago He knows that every day while he is there, his body is exposed to strong radiation.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago He says he refuses to think about it. However, he takes some steps, using only products imported into the zone.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago He left when everyone was evacuated, but then returned to take care of the animals.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Currently, he is the only person brave enough to live in the evacuation zone.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Some people call him radioactive man.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Kind of a superhero.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago But Naoto doesn’t consider himself a hero.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Initially, Naoto returned to take care of his animals. He said he really  had nowhere else to go.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Then he noticed all the other animals that needed help.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago “I was told that I would not get sick for 30 or 40 years. I’ll most likely be dead by then, so I don’t care,” says Naoto.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago Many of the animals were tied up by their owners, so he set them free.

A man is caring for animals that were left behind at Fukushima over a decade ago The government forbade him to stay, but he’s still there.

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