lindos diseños de uñas de fresa que deberías probar

How can you hate strawberry nails for summer? It is so cute, adorable and makes you wanna look at it over and over again. Fruit nails, in general, in summer are so perfect, if you are into that kind of cute and artsy nail designs. If you are not into it, you can try it once, just to really change your mood.

Because looking at those delicious nail designs will make you happy instantly. If you don’t like very extreme kind of paintings on your nails, you can try out some pastel nails, and spice it up with a little and cute strawberry on one finger. You will definitely see some ideas like that in this post, so make sure to check out all the ideas above.

In summer we all are in the mood for some colors. And if you are really a fan of some colorful nails, you should check out our other posts on blue nails, neon yellow nails, pink nails, which will give you that extra summer vibes.

So what can you do with strawberry nail design, and what shapes, types of art you can do to prepare your nails for summer?

You can definitely do some basic french tip nails, and add strawberries to it, to get that very artsy and adorable nail design. Summer acrylic nails tend to look very colorful and very fun for most people, but if you are not a lover of colorful nails, you can try out just the little twist with a little and cute strawberry on your ring finger, which you will see in this post.

You can do red french tip nails, because that is the color of the strawberries and that will give you that extra colorful and fun type of summer nail design.

If you paint some other fruits besides the strawberries, you can try out cherries, bananas, watermelons. All of them give the summer vibes, and everybody will definitely appreciate your unique and adorable choice of nail design for summer.

You can do red nails with some white polka dots and the nails will automatically look like little cute strawberries. You are free to choose your own style. If you love strawberries as much as I do, you will definitely find your perfect strawberry nail design in this post and you will give your nails some love, by doing one of these artsy and adorable strawberry nails in summer.

So have fun and enjoy scrolling through, checking out these downright adorable nails. Make sure to find the one, which will be your perfect and characteristic nail design for summer. And also don’t forget to get your daily styles overdose!

1. French Tip Nails with Cute Strawberries

2. Red Nails with Cute Little Strawberries

3. Summer Acrylic Nails with Strawberries and Flowers

4. Long French Tip Fruit Nails with Strawberries and Cherries

5. Pastel Pink Nails with Strawberries

6. Bubblegum Pink Nails with Strawberries

7. Red French Tip Nails with Strawberries

8. Strawberry Nails and Strawberry French Tip Nails

9. Soft Nail Design with Cute Strawberries

10. Red French with Strawberry Nail Design

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